House of Hope Christian School & Community Center
Kingdom Kids Homes opened House of Hope Christian School and Community Center in Canaan, Haiti on September 13th, 2021! The families in our HOH community live in extreme poverty and lack access to basic needs, such as food, clean water, and a sanitation system. We created House of Hope to give families who have felt hopeless for a long time HOPE through meeting practical needs and by giving them the HOPE that comes from knowing Jesus Christ! Here, we have a Christian school where we are giving our students the opportunity to have an education for the first time in their lives. Through our Community Center at HOH, we are helping meet our families practical needs through meals, medical care, clean water, and more. Through House of Hope, we are not only meeting practical needs, but also spiritual needs by discipling our families and by showing them the love of Christ daily!
Our Goals for HOUSE OF HOPE:
To Meet Educational Needs
Our goal is bring up the next generation of leaders in Haiti and to empower them to change their nation for Jesus Christ, but we realize this cannot be done properly if the children are not educated. If the children do not posses simple skills, such as reading and writing, it will be nearly impossible for them to grow up and be in positions of influence if they do not have an education. Our students have never attended school before and would not be able to attend school if it were not for House of Hope. We are giving them a Christian education so they can grow up and have the bright future they deserve.
To Meet Practical Needs
Our goal is to minister to families in the region of Canaan by meeting basic, practical needs. House of Hope is a community center where we are giving the families in our community a place to take a shower, receive medical care, have a nutritious meal, and get clean water. Taking care of these simple needs will change the lives of the many families in our HOH community.
To Meet Spiritual Needs
Our goal is for our Christian school to be more than just a place where children get a Christian education, but it is a discipleship program focused on raising up the next generation of leaders. We’re giving our students the tools and training they need to take the message of Jesus Christ into their world. We want to teach our students how to have a heart of worship, how to share their testimony, how to pray, and how to lead others to the Lord. We also host worship nights and ministry services in Hope Hall on our HOH property. Our desire is for House of Hope to be a place of worship where people can seek the Lord and where God is glorified.